The Fig Tree

Like humans and animals, plants emit and react to energy. The following story profoundly demonstrates this scientifically proven fact.


Many years ago, in what seems like another lifetime, I was the marketing director for a television commercial production company. My large and bright corner office overlooked the ocean and mountains. I decorated the room with several large plants as I love nature. The focal point was a six-foot weeping fig tree with branches that almost touched the ceiling. When admiring this healthy specimen, I often imagined it saying, “Look at me. I’m so beautiful.”


One day, a casting director asked to borrow my fig tree. Apparently, the casting room was set to resemble a living room, and the tree would add a much-needed finishing touch. Thinking nothing of it, I agreed.


At the end of the day, I walked past the casting room. When I glanced in and spotted my fig tree, my heart fell. Instead of reaching toward the ceiling, its branches had drooped downward. Curious to see what had happened to my poor tree, I watched the audition tapes.


The director, known for encouraging actors to go above and beyond a role, instructed everyone who auditioned to yell at the tree as though mad at it. In the first few video tapes, the fig tree stood tall, bright and lovely. But as the day progressed, it began to droop. By day’s end, it was as if the tree had given up hope of ever being cared for again. It looked sad. And although no one had touched the tree, it appeared beaten.


I took the fig tree back to my office hoping to revive it. Over the next few days, I spoke to it lovingly and did what I could to pick up its spirit. Unfortunately, my beautiful fig tree died.


Having read The Secret Life of Plants by Christopher Bird and Peter Tompkins, I was well aware that plants emit and react to energy. The death of my fig tree was a powerful and regrettable demonstration of the impact our thoughts, words and feelings have on all living things.  

 Like people, when animals and plants are nurtured and loved, they prosper.
When neglected or spoken to with harsh and hateful words,

they wilt and sometimes die.



This story is included in my Prosperity & Miracles book.


Rescue of Lucky, the Humpback Whale