Beyond the Veil - Blog
Is there an existence beyond death?
This blog includes my personal experiences, and remarkable stories shared by others, of events that defy logical explanation.
May they offer hope and help you navigate through the painful grieving process.
Everything will be Okay
On a glorious sunny spring morning, my friend and I decided it was a perfect day for a drive. She was about to get into the passenger seat of my car when she paused, looked at me, and said, “I just heard my dad’s voice and he distinctly and clearly said, ‘Everything will be okay.’ I am not sure what that means.”
Is there life after death?
Watching a loved one suffer through illness, and/or losing a loved one through death may be the most difficult and painful experience we will ever endure. One cannot put a time frame on the grieving process. Each of us moves through it at our own pace.
Can you smell the cigarette smoke?
Shortly after my father passed, I often experienced a strong smell of cigarette smoke. Even though I searched, I was not able to locate where it came from. When I asked other people if they smelled the smoke, their response was, “No, what smoke?”
Remember the Bird!
My sister and I were enjoying a long and relaxing visit with a dear friend who has the remarkable gift of receiving messages from departed loved ones. I mentioned that my mother was not coping well with Dad’s passing.